March 2024

March 2024

”Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the

 Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.”  Psalm 103:1-2

Dear Friends,

There is a popular chorus that Christians sing, based on these verses from Psalm 103. In the song we sing, “He has done great things, He has done great things, bless His holy name!” My three nephews (Schuyler, Ethan and Luke) sang this chorus at every ministry stop we made during our recent trip to India. It is so simple in its message, yet it is so meaningful to all who hear it. Indeed the Lord is doing great things in the country of India, even in the face of ongoing obstacles. 

It was a joy to be in the Pacific Northwest last week with my sister, Mishal, and her entire family (Len, Schuyler, Ethan and Luke). We were able to update our IEM supporters during events at Castle Rock Christian Church and Woodland Christian Church. We had a blessed time of fellowship as Luke shared about our recent trip to India, Mishal and I shared about the ongoing vision of IEM, and the Montgomery Horns blessed us all with their wonderful music. It was a particular joy to spend time with some faithful believers who have supported IEM since its inception in 1966. We look forward to similar events in Ohio in June. 

We are grateful for all that the Lord has been accomplishing in India. IEM evangelist Robin and his wife have been ministering in Uttar Pradesh (U.P.) for the past three years. Despite the difficult circumstances, their ministry is growing. Recently, Robin recruited four new evangelists who will be working alongside him. The ministries in U.P. include food kit distribution, blanket distribution, Sunday Schools, and prayer meetings. Please pray for these evangelists as they serve the Lord and bring His Gospel to many needy people. 

God willing, I will be returning to India in June to see the next Bible College class begin their studies. Please pray that the Lord brings the right students, and that the college continues to flourish. We are so blessed that you are taking a part in this ministry and encouraging the work of the Lord in India. Thank you, and God bless you. 

In His Service, 

Dayan Mathai