April 2024

April 2024

 ”Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom

 of heaven. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of

 evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is

 your reward in heaven.”  Matthew 5:10-12

Dear Friends,

We are encouraged that the believers In India are holding firm in their faith, gaining strength and courage from promises like Jesus gave in the passage above.  

Our workers in Uttar Pradesh (U.P.), Robin and his wife Goodie, exemplify this courage. They have been working in a community where there is a great need for basic education for the children. It’s a very poor village, and many of the children are from a low-caste background and do not go to school. Robin and Goodie started a Sunday School program, and recently they took the Sunday School children on an outing to a city park, where they had a joyous time. We are praying about expanding the Sunday School to include a weekday tutoring program to give them some basic skills and education.

One of our first-year Bible College students, Jay, recently returned to his village in U.P. for summer break. We were encouraged to hear that he was invigorated by his study of the Word and is taking a leadership role in the church as he helps lead Sunday worship. We look forward to Jay returning to the Bible College for a second year of training. Please pray for all the Bible College students who will be starting their second year in June, and that we will have a good batch of first-year students as we continue to grow the Bible College.

God willing, I will be in India in June when the new school year begins, to encourage the students and faculty. Before I leave for India, we are looking forward to having our annual board meeting in May and our Ohio Fellowship Dinner the first week of June, which I plan to attend. Thank you very much for your prayers and partnership with the Lord’s work in India. May God richly bless you for your part in His work!

Yours in His Service, 

Dayan Mathai