May 2024

May 2024

”I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you

 will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Dear Friends,

We know that God is sovereign in all things, and we take comfort in the knowledge that He has overcome the world.  

For many years, IEM has supported a group of pastors and Christian workers in the city of Mumbai, formerly Bombay, which is in the state of Maharashtra. IEM’s leader amongst these dear workers has been P.T. Babu, who is a very gifted and faithful evangelist. We are so grateful that his son has recently stepped up to take on a leadership role, serving as IEM’s coordinator for the state of Maharashtra. We are hopeful that we will soon have a consistent food kit distribution program operating in the slum areas of Mumbai, as well as vibrant Sunday School programs in various parts of the city. Please pray for these workers, whose pictures you will see on the insert.

At our annual Workers’ Conference in January, I was pleased to welcome a new pastor to the IEM family. His name is Pastor Jagdish, and he pastors a church in the northern state of Punjab. This is a state which IEM has not reached previously. We are excited about expanding the ministry to this part of India. Next month, when I travel to India, I am planning to visit Punjab and Pastor Jagdish’s church. Recently he baptized four new believers. I hope to meet them on my upcoming trip.

God willing, I will be in India during the last two weeks of June. We look forward to welcoming 20 new Bible College students, along with our returning students. We are pleased that the school is continuing to grow after the Covid lockdowns. Thank you for your continued prayers and support to enable these young men to be trained for Christian ministry. Please continue to hold the country of India in your prayer. 

May God richly bless you and keep you in His peace. For those of you in the Ohio area, we look forward to seeing you at the Fellowship Dinner in Walnut Creek in June.

Yours in His Service, 

Dayan Mathai