June 2024

June 2024

“Ask Me, and I will make the nations your inheritance,
the ends of the earth your possession.”  Psalm 2:8

Dear Friends in Christ,

The first week of June, my sisters (Mishal and Sheela) and I, along with their families, were able to attend the IEM annual fellowship dinner in Ohio. It was the first time my sisters and I had been there together since we went as little children with our parents when they first met the wonderful Christian community there. It was such a blessing to fellowship with supporters of IEM, who have faithfully participated in this ministry for many decades. What an encouragement to see the children of those initial supporters carry on the support of their parents’ generation. Likewise, I was encouraged to see my nephews continue to be an active part of the ministry. They shared videos of our recent trip to India, gave testimonies, and provided special music for the dinner.

After the Ohio trip, I traveled to India and arrived on June 16, just in time for the start of the new Bible College academic year. We are thrilled that all of our first-year students returned for their second year of study, and that the new incoming class is double the size of last year’s class. One returning student (“L.C.”) was so excited about his experience on our campus that he returned home for summer break and recruited over a dozen new students from his state. This year’s students represent 8 states of India, plus one student from the neighboring country of Nepal. The faculty and staff are excited that these young men are motivated to study the Bible and return to their villages and communities to serve the Lord. Please hold these students up in prayer, as they continue in their studies.

Next week I will be traveling to the northern state of Punjab to meet with and encourage a new pastor whom IEM is now supporting—Pastor Jagdish. I will report back to you next month what the Lord in doing in Punjab. Please pray for the ministry there and throughout India. Thank you very much for your continued prayerful support.

God bless you all, 

Dayan Mathai