October 2024
”Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8
Dear Ones in Christ,
As the world continues to change rapidly, we as Christians have great comfort in knowing that our Lord does not change. This is especially comforting as we endeavor to share the Gospel in a country like India. There are many gods and goddesses which are worshipped there. The people need to know the one true God, who is eternal, living, and does not change.
This year IEM has made an effort to connect with the evangelists we support in various states of India. IEM Coordinator Robin has been mobilized to various states in North India to encourage and edify our IEM workers. This month Robin visited the northeast state of Bihar. Bihar is the third most populous state in India.
Several years ago, IEM Bible College graduate, Titu, left his home state of Odisha to start a Christian school in Bihar. The school is in a very poor region, but it is flourishing, and the students are happy to have a good place to learn. The Christian staff are able to teach Bible stories and Christian songs to the students, and Titu is also able to meet and minister to the parents of the students. We are so encouraged that our Bible College graduate is having such an impact in this remote part of India. Please pray for Titu and his ministry, and for the local believers as they continue to grow in their faith.
Please also continue to pray for our Bible College, and for our students as they prepare for their first-semester exams. God willing, we will be appointing a new principal next semester, so we pray that this change will be smooth and that the students will respond positively. It is our prayer that these students will graduate and be motivated to serve the Lord, bringing many people into a relationship with the true and living God. We are so grateful for your continued support and faithful prayers. May God bless you and your family.
In His Service,
Dayan Mathai