May 2023

May 2023

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

II Corinthians 5:17

Beloved Ones in Christ,

As the Covid lockdowns finally draw to an end, it is natural for us to think of this as a time of renewal and new beginnings. The Apostle Paul teaches that the ultimate renewal comes through our relationship with Christ, and we joyfully remember that at this time also.

At our campus in Kerala, we are excited about a renewal of activity as a new school year is about to begin in June. The campus will welcome back students to our Bible College and children to our Children’s Home. For the last two months, the campus has been undergoing much-needed maintenance and painting, and we look forward to welcoming everyone back to a renewed campus. We are hoping to have a new class of Bible College students who come from some states in India that IEM has never reached before. Please pray we will have a batch of students that are eager to study the Bible and serve the Lord in ministry. 

On May 19-20 we were blessed to have our annual IEM board meeting in Southern California. Every year these faithful board members come together to review the work of IEM here and in India. We had a wonderful time of fellowship on Friday, and on Saturday spent the day reflecting on what God is doing in India and strategizing about potential ministry opportunities for the coming years. We are so grateful to have faithful Christian leaders that give of their time to further God’s Kingdom. 

On June 9th Dayan will return to India for two weeks. He will be there for the inauguration of the new Bible College school year, and will encourage the students in the study of God’s Word. Also, he will be meeting with IEM administrators and local leaders. Please pray that his time will be productive and that he will return safely. I have decided to not go on this journey, but thanks to modern technology I will be able to communicate on a daily basis with Dayan while he is there.

Thank you for your continued prayers for me and my family and the work of IEM. I thank the Lord for all of you in my daily prayers. May God richly bless you.

Yours in His Service,

G.V. Mathai and Dayan Mathai