Septermber 2023

Septermber 2023

Beloved Ones in Christ,

Christians in India are facing troubling times. As we hear reports, especially from North India, of church burnings and evangelists beaten for sharing their faith, it is important to remember that the apostles and the early church faced similar challenges. Despite all the hurdles he faced, the Apostle Paul was able to encourage believers to stay steadfast in doing good in the world. He wrote to the church in Galatia, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest, if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9).

We have chosen this verse as the inspiration for our next Workers’ Conference at our Kerala campus in January 2024, with the theme of “Plentiful Harvest.” This will be the first Workers’ Conference we have organized since before the Covid pandemic, so we are excited to again have all of IEM’s evangelists meet together for edification, encouragement, and fellowship. These evangelists will share with each other reports from their individual mission fields in various states of India. God willing, we will have up to 100 people in attendance as we gather to be motivated to see the harvest as plentiful.

Although many Covid restrictions have now been lifted, the economic situation in India remains dire, so we have made our food kit distribution program an ongoing ministry. This ministry has proved to be a blessing to all those who have received a kit in Kerala and Uttar Pradesh (U.P.). We have slowly started expanding this ministry into the slums of Mumbai, where Mishal and Len and family, along with Dayan, were able to visit in January.

In mid-September we had our annual Fellowship Dinner in Holmes County, Ohio. Although I am not able to travel because of my age and health, I am happy that my son Dayan, my daughter Mishal, her husband Len, two of their sons Ethan and Luke, and Ethan’s girlfriend Daisy were able to attend the dinner. Ethan and Luke prepared an inspiring video about their family’s recent trip to India. Len and the boys, with Daisy, provided special music. Dayan and Mishal shared an update of what is happening in India with IEM. I am encouraged that my children and grandchildren are carrying on this work. It especially thrills my soul to see that my grandchildren have a heart for missions and the people of India.

I appreciate so much your continued prayers and support for this ministry. As the Apostle Paul admonished, let us not give up, let us not grow weary, and let us look forward to the plentiful harvest we will reap for the Kingdom.

Yours in His Love,

G.V. Mathai and Dayan Mathai